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Reports API Playground

Swagger UI

Read the instructions on using the playground at the end of this document.

How to use the Playground

To use the Swagger / OpenAPI UI, you must first authenticate. Use the "Get Access Token" service.

Get Access Token

Copy the access_token value

Access Token Response Body

Click the Authorize button

Authorize Button

Paste the access_token value

Paste the Token Value

Click Authorize, then Close

You are now ready to use the Playground.

This is a live instance of the service. Use these endpoints for production.


You may use the API endpoints in the MedProctor Data Migrations API to transmit "live" data, PHI, PII, and data protected by HIPAA, FERPA, and state or local laws. This use is protected by the TSA your organization has with Med+Proctor. Consult your organization's data privacy policy for more information about handling secure data.